Normally Volunteering is awesome and greatly appreciated, however it is currently on hold until further notice to keep the campus safe. But read below on how to sign up for when it becomes safe to have volunteers back on Circle View's campus!!
Get Involved — Volunteer!
When adults volunteer, all students benefit! There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved! Your help is needed! Complete the Volunteer Interest form and we will be in touch with you.
Get Cleared to Volunteer
We appreciate your interest in becoming a volunteer at Circle View. Your time and effort are important to us because we know that our volunteers help make our school and the OVSD the best educational environment for all students. We ask that you review the OVSD Volunteer Handbook below. You will find important information to help make your volunteer service successful and rewarding.
Background Check
In accordance with Board Policy 1240 and California Education, volunteers who perform volunteer service for five hours or less per week will require Megan’s Law clearance check and verification of Tuberculosis Risk Assessment/Examination clearance. Volunteers who perform volunteer service for more than five hours per week or chaperone field trips are required to be fingerprinted, receive clearance on Megan’s Law check every year, and have verification of Tuberculosis Risk Assessment/Examination clearance.
Get Started: View, Print, and Complete the Following Documents & Forms
For all OVSD volunteer information in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese, please visit: https://www.ovsd.org/departments/hr/volunteer-information.