Why Join The PTO?


You have an opportunity to do good in your local community, make a direct impact on your kids’ lives, and invest in our future through your time, talent, and treasure. 


The PTO is entirely made up of volunteer parents and community members. It actively supports the school through volunteerism and fundraising, with all profits going directly back to Circle View, filling the gap resulting from continued state budget cuts.


As a dedicated member of the PTO, you will help support and fund:

  • Music education
  • Art instruction
  • Reading programs
  • Field trips
  • Assemblies
  • Technology
  • ST Math (enrichment program for the entire school) 
  • Chrome cart (with 32 laptops)
  • A/V equipment for classrooms
  • Smartboards
  • Classroom supplies
  • P.E. equipment
  • And much more 

Your participation in the PTO helps strengthen our school programs and ensures a brighter future for our amazing students. 


Your spirit of giving and investment in your community is a positive statement in support of public education and our wonderful community of learners. On behalf of Circle View Elementary School, thank you for your support! 


Join today!